In addition to its signature restaurant chain, McDonald’s Corporation held a minority interest in Pret A Manger until 2008, was a major investor in the Chipotle Mexican Grill until 2006, and owned the restaurant chain Boston Market until 2007.
A McDonald's restaurant is operated by either a franchisee, an affiliate, or the corporation itself. The corporation's revenues come from the rent, royalties and fees paid by the franchisees, as well as sales in company-operated restaurants. McDonald's revenues grew 27% over the three years ending in 2007 to $22.8 billion, and 9% growth in operating income to $3.9 billion
McDonald's primarily sells hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken products, french fries, breakfast items, soft drinks, milkshakes, and desserts. In response to obesity trends in Western nations and in the face of criticism over the healthiness of its products, the company has modified its menu to include healthier alternatives such as salads, wraps and fruit.
McDonald’s Indonesia (PT Rekso Nasional Food) is looking for the energetic and smart young people to join us in managing our Restaurants for the position of :
Real Estate Representative
- Maintains working relationships and is the Real Estate resource for the company within their assigned geographical area.
- Cultivates and promotes working relationships with other McDonald's departments, alliance partners and other outside organizations
- With their Construction partner, creates, manages, and executes the Development Plan to meet portfolio returns with the Development Team within their assigned geographic area.
- Communicates and implements Corporates policies and procedures.
- Ensures quality control standards for Real Estate transactions (cost, time, location, economics, market needs, and deal quality, etc.).
- Monitors and controls the flow of Real Estate transactions by coordinating the efforts of others (brokers, attorneys, government agencies, etc.)
- Negotiates terms and conditions of Real Estate agreements.
- Assembles and presents site packages.
- Works with Construction department to secure all required approvals.
- Optimizes the site development processes.
- Ensures best location/best value for all real estate acquisitions and reinvestments.
- With their Construction partner, actively participates in the development and implementation of the process within development.
- Aligns goals and objectives with the Department, Regional. Division and Corporate strategies.
- Develop your career and make McDonald's your address for success. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
- Minimum 28 years old maximum 35 years old
- Minimum S1
- 3 years experience in Real Estate / Site Search
- Familiar with Microsoft Office
Job description :
- Bersedia megikuti training yang akan dilakukan oleh perusahaan
- Melakukan aktivitas marketing di komunitas sekitar restoran
- Memimpin pesta ulang tahun customer yang dirayakan di dalam atau di luar restoran
- Bertanggung jawab terhadap inventory barang-barang marketing termasuk toys
- Melakukan dekorasi dan menata ruangan untuk ulang tahun
- Lulusan Diploma 3 (D3) dari dari semua jurusan
- Usia Maksimal 25 tahun
- Berpenampilan menarik, energetik dan percaya diri
- Menyukai tantangan, pekerja keras dan bersedia bekerja secara shift termasuk pada hari libur
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Restoran mana saja di wilayah Jabodetabek
- Sabar, mempunyai inisiatif dan motovasi yang tinggi
- Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan mampu membina hubungan pribadi dengan baik.
- Mampu berkomunikasi bahasa Inggris minimal pasif dan dapat mengoperasikan komputer