Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Lowongan Kerja Biofarma (Persero)

Biofarma (Persero)Lowongan Kerja Biofarma (Persero) | Bio Farma is a state-owned enterprises in Indonesia, which manufactures vaccines and sera to support immunization programs in Indonesia and other countries. Bio Farma has entered into a prequalification list of the World Health Organization (WHO), more complete information please visit www.biofarma.co.id

Biofarma eRecruitment try to discover the potential and abilities with a series of selection processes. We tried to see you personally and get a complete picture of competence, interests and your desires.

One of the most significant advantage to work together with us is that the training and development in our Professional attitude and thinking, has high integrity, and work in Transparent and Accountable who represents the company culture, career opportunities and balanced with opportunities to advance.

We need people the best and brightest professionals to share knowledge, skills and energy for the betterment of the company and the nation.


Teknik Informatika / Teknik Elektro / Teknik Komputer / Ilmu Komputer

Persyaratan :
  • Pria dengan usia maksimal 30 tahun.
  • Pendidikan S1 dengan IPK minimal 2,80 (akreditasi A dan B).
  • Keterampilan dan kompetensi: Jaringan, keamanan jaringan, manajemen server, SQL Server, Windows Platform, metodologi departemen software, konsep berorientasi objek, C # dan ASP.net.
Kedokteran, Paramedik Veteriner, Peternakan, Analis Kesehatan

Persyaratan :
  • Pria (Paramedik Veteriner, Peternakan, Analis Kesehatan).
  • Pria / Wanita (Kedokteran).
  • Usia maksimal 27 tahun untuk D3 dan 30 tahun untuk S1.
  • Latar belakang pendidikan : S1 Kedokteran dan D3 Paramedik Veteriner, Peternakan, Analis Kesehatan.
Jika anda tertarik dan memenuhi persyaratan silakan Mendaftar secara onlkine melalui laman : www.biofarma.co.id di menu Career, paling lambat tanggal 10 Desember 201. Hanya kanddat yang memenuhi persyaratan akan diproses. Silakan lihat info lebih lanjut :Loker PT Bio Farma (Persero). Thanks for visit this blog on information Lowongan Kerja Biofarma (Persero). The information Lowongan Kerja Biofarma (Persero) hope it is useful. Also read Latest Jobs or use Google search to find Lowongan Kerja Biofarma (Persero). Publish Tuesday, December 8, 2015.. Hopefully useful and ALWAYS SUCCESS, We are sorry if the information obtained has expired. THANK YOU