Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Lowongan Kerja ICON PLN

ICON PLNLowongan Kerja ICON PLN | PT Indonesia Comnets Plus (ICON PLN), a subsidiary of PT PLN (Persero), a leading BUMN enterprises in Indonesia. PT Indonesia Comnets Plus (ICON +) focuses on providing networking, services, and content telekomikasi, specifically to support the technology and information systems and other public sector PLN.

Indonesia Comnets Plus - ICON + rely on a variety of superior services such as Clear Channel, Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS), and Broadband Internet Access. With a fiber optic network infrastructure throughout the 891 000 km includes Java, Bali, Sumatra and parts of Kalimantan and Sulawesi, and supported with the right utilization of PLN electricity network throughout the archipelago.

Currently PT Indonesia Comnets Plus, seeking talented people who want a career that suit their ambitions and are tenacious, willing to work hard, have high motivation, integrity, and respect their efforts to fill the following roles :
  1. IT Infrastructure - Engineer
  2. Project Engineer
  3. Network Design - Engineer
  4. Network Operation - Engineer
  5. IT Programmer - Engineer
  6. Junior Project Engineer
  7. Maintenance - Junior Engineer
  8. Network Inventory - Junior Engineer
  9. Junior IT Programmer
  10. Produk dan Pemasaran - Officer
  11. Customer Service Assurance - Officer
  12. Sumber Daya Manusia - Officer
  13. Pengadaan dan Logistik - Officer
  14. Perencanaan Korporat
  15. Customer Service Assurance - Junior Officer
  16. Sales - Junior Officer
  17. Pengadaan dan Logistik - Junior Officer
Persyaratan Umum :
  • Pria / Wanita. 
  • Usia maks. 30 tahun (per 31 Desember 2015).
  • Pend. minimal D3/S1 dari universitas terkemuka.
  • IPK minimal : 3.00 (PTN/PTS).
  • Mampu berkomunikasi secara aktif.
  • Memiliki semangat kerja yang tinggi dan mampu bekerjasama dalam tim.
  • Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia.
If you are interested please fill out the application and send no later than 8 March 2015. You can sign up directly online through : http://rekrutmen.iconpln.co.id. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. More info : Lowongan Kerja Indonesia Comnets Plus. Thanks for visit this blog on information Lowongan Kerja ICON PLN. The information Lowongan Kerja ICON PLN hope it is useful. Also read Latest Jobs or use Google search to find Lowongan Kerja ICON PLN. Publish Tuesday, February 24, 2015.. Hopefully useful and ALWAYS SUCCESS, We are sorry if the information obtained has expired. THANK YOU